Andrea Sacchetti

Locale: Pasticceria Caffè Nuovo Mondo


Indirizzo: Via Giuseppe Garibaldi 23



Andrea was born in Florence in 1996, he had the opportunity to develop his passion for pastry by hanging out in workshops since he was very young. When he was nineteen, he kept studying at CAST Alimenti Brescia, he worked for Iginio Massari and later for Alessandro Dalmasso in Piemonte. Once he got back to Prato, he started working in the laboratory with his father Paolo, contributing to the present and to the future vision of the family business. In the meantime, he keeps studying with big names in the pastry world.

Pasticceria Nuovo Mondo
Thanks to Pesche di Prato, Pasticceria Nuovo Mondo is famous all over Italy, nowadays some of its creations are true icons. Paolo Sacchetti, the award-winning owner of the business and member of AMPI (Accademia Membri Pasticceri Italiani), is supported by his talented son Andrea, who grew up in the family lab. Each dessert is made following an unbreakable philosophy, only excellent raw materials and seasonal ingredients, preferably local. Since 1989, the year of the opening of the shop, Paolo Sacchetti and his staff have been active in elevating Italian pastry by respecting tradition, flavours and raw materials aligning themselves to AMPI statute. Pasticceria Nuovo Mondo has been reconfirmed once again in 2022 with Three Cakes by the Guida Pasticceri e Pasticcerie d’Italia (Gambero Rosso).

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Instagram: @pasticceria_nuovo_mondo